
What Do Chiropractors Do?

Chiropractic care is a field of natural medicine that focuses on a patient's spine and nervous system. The majority of patients seeking out a Chiropractor are doing so because they are suffering from back or neck pain, although a noticeable pain in these areas is certainly not the only symptom treated by chiropractors. While some of these patients are used to throwing around words like manual adjustments and nerve compression, those who have never visited a specialist themselves often aren't quite sure what, exactly, chiropractors do; they can read on to find out a little bit more about the chiropractic field. The function of the Spine The spine is actually comprised of many smaller component bones, connected to each other via facet joints on their sides. The purpose of the spine is simple: it protects the spinal cord and the nerves that make it up from damage. Unfortunately, these bones can move out of alignment due to acute trauma, chronic conditions, or even simple gen...